Visita guidata del centro storico di Pisa seguendo un itinerario che ci porterà nelle botteghe degli artigiani per scoprire le loro storie, i loro strumenti, le tecniche e i materiali.

Scioglieremo la matassa del processo creativo: dall’idea alla sua rappresentazione. Lungo la strada immagineremo come Pisa sia cambiata, nel corso dei secoli, con i suoi mercati, tra le sue torri.

Un percorso che potrà essere integrato con degustazioni di gelato artigianale con i prodotti locali, cioccolato della “chocolate valley” di Pisa e il famoso “oro dei pisani”, la cecìna, un piatto tipico a base di farina di ceci, olio e sale.

(La Pizzeria Salvini Macchia, in Via Oberdan 30, è convenzionata con il gruppo guide City Grand Tour)



We will visit the old town of Pisa through an itinerary that will lead us through the workshops of the artisans to discover their stories, their instruments, their techniques and materials.

We will discover the secrets of the creative process: from the idea to its representation.

Along the walk we will imagine how Pisa changed with its markets, between its towers.

We will discover the way the role of the artisan changed in society from the Middle Ages to its modern technical evolution.

They still use ancient tools to create new and unique objects.

We will watch stories unfold, such as the one we glimpse through the glass of a little room where a huge black machine from the fifties rests, once used for cleaning and buffing shoes.

Behind the counter the man who used to be the shoemaker has now became a shoe repairer: he started making shoes when he was 11 because in the morning he went to school and in the afternoon he was an apprentice; he has been working for 75 years.