City Grand Tour
City Grand Tour is a group of professional tour leaders and tourist guides, who work starting from the town of Pisa and the territory around.

We care about the poetry about everyday life, we pay attention to tiny details and to the marks left by past events, among alleys and squares through the stories of the inhabitants or the curious look of travellers.
Besides providing guided tours, we propose exclusive itineraries in order to discover invisible places. We also suggest tours to taste typical products, and to rediscover traditional activities by connecting history, legend, and entertainment.

Alessandro Bargagna
Since I was a child I have listened to stories and legends from my parents that created a strong and indissoluble connection with my city.
The love for theatre and the University studies in Foreign Languages and History of Art, contributed to grow this desire, to tell what is in my mind and in my heart.
My job is my real passion and I always desire to tell, perform and love what I experienced and what I daily live. “You’re not really done for, as long as you’ve got a good story and someone to tell it to”: these are the words of Novecento, by Baricco. They truly express what my job is like.

Chiara Celli
Let’s go! Since I was a child, I’ve been traveling to discover Europe and Italy with parents and brother, by campervan: so, it all began.
Travelling to get lost in the alleys, turning around to see things from a different point of view; when you travel and you do not know the territory, this is a good excuse to talk to the locals, and to speak the language is a key.
I travelled, searching for storytellers and collect their tales, so that I could write my graduation thesis on Irish Legends. And my travels, together with the theatre and the river, were the reasons why I started looking at my own city through the eyes of a traveller. I was able to invent my job, in which I tell all the tales of my city.
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